Calvary Chapel






“Calvary” and “Chapel” are both words of Latin origin. Calvary stands for the hill outside of Jerusalem – where, on the cross, Jesus bled and died for sinners. Chapel stands for a place of worship. So we worship the one who carried our sins to cross – and victoriously overcame death rising from the grave.

What is Calvary Chapel?

Calvary Chapel is a non-denominational church movement focused on the inerrancy of the Bible and the expository teaching from Genesis to Revelation.

Calvary Chapel began in 1965 in Costa Mesa, California, USA when Calvary Chapel’s pastor, Chuck Smith became a leading figure in what was known as the “Jesus Movement.”

The church is known for its relaxed style of service, its contemporary worship, and its teaching of the Word of God.

From a small beginning with only 25 members more than 1900 affiliate Calvary Chapels across the world have been established.

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